Thursday, June 16, 2011

Follow the Ship!

I just found out about a great tool for those of you that want to follow the path that we're taking on this expedition.  Go to , choose Oscar Dyson (DY), and the resulting map will show you where we've been, as well as our current location.
Looking at the current map, you can see why it's taken so long for us to get to our first sampling location.  We departed from Kodiak on Monday night, and spent all of Tuesday at Three Saints Bay- that's the little "dip" back into Kodiak that you see.  From there, we've just been sailing towards the western Aleutians.  Today, we cut through some of the islands to the northern side because the seas were pretty rough (I was feeling a little seasick for a while there). Last time I checked, we were scheduled to arrive at our first location tomorrow (Friday 6/17) morning, and will be conducting our first trawl shortly thereafter.  Science logs are soon to come, along with more of my entertaining personal logs :)

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