Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I'll be doing on my trip!

So, in March of this year I found out that as part of NOAA's Teacher at Sea program, I'd be setting sail on a fisheries research ship out of Kodiak, Alaska during the month of June.  On the trip, I'll be collecting data on the pollack population around the Gulf of Alaska.  You've probably had pollack before- or at least seen it somewhere- it's what you get at fast food restaurants, in the frozen fish sticks, and the imitation crab you get in your sushi rolls. 
NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson- my home for 3 weeks!
I'm leaving in about two weeks, and will give you more updates soon!  Can't wait to go!


  1. Ms. Orilio! I wanted to be your first comment :) Have fun on your trip I can't wait to see all your posts!
    ~Hannah Rosen

  2. Have a great time - I'll definitely be watching your blog!

  3. Oh hey Ms.Orilio! Have fun!
    Love Sean, Jessie, Lauren and mostly Alexis :D <3

  4. Congrats Ms. Orilio! I hope you have a wonderful time on your Alaskan adventure! Be sure to enjoy the scenery, even if you are working hard! You really deserve a trip like this, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'll be watching your blog,so be sure to post lots of interesting stuff! See you next year, Matthew Grossman

  5. I hope you packed mittens!!! Have a great time. Love always Alexa/Alexis Ortiz
